Attitude of Gratitude: Bring On The Corn

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Happy Thanksgiving!


Is it just me or do you also find it hard to believe that we are already at this point where we have Thanksgiving and Christmas literally in front of us?! I normally love these two holidays but HOLY MOLY this year has flown by way too fast. I am officially old because I say that every year now. Well, this blog is something I needed to write because I am not ready for Thanksgiving till now.


It’s A Family Tradition


My mom (far left) started a family tradition that has been passed down to my kids. It’s all about the corn kernels! Many years ago, my mom started putting three to four kernels in front of each plate when she set the table for Thanksgiving. At first, I thought this was odd because who is going to eat uncooked kernels? She explained that we weren’t supposed to eat the kernels but instead we would go around and say one thing we were thankful for then take one kernel away. We did this till all the kernels were gone. As a child I didn’t appreciate the effort my mom was making in our family to stop and share how we were blessed. I was excited to eat the amazing food, but this tradition truly was the gift of Thanksgiving.


Attitude of Gratitude


Life is so busy and often it’s hard to actually stop and reflect on the blessings in life. It feels like there is a million things to get done and I move from one thing to another without enjoying the success. I have struggled with finding joy in my life because I look at what has not been accomplished or where I have failed more often. My Mom helped our family understand that your attitude of gratitude is the key to Thanksgiving and that needs to be the intention. It’s so easy to keep going and move onto the next task but don’t miss this wonderful gift of slowing down. Being thankful is not easy when we live in a world where it’s never enough. This is a mindset choice to reflect on what you have been given not what you have missed out on.


More Is Caught Than Taught


Take time to start this tradition with your family and watch what happens. It might not be an instant success or something that everyone enjoys in the first year but don’t give up on it. My attitude was not the best when my mom started this tradition. It is also why I probably got more kernels each year than everyone else. Well, my older sister also took over the job of passing out the kernels so that was another reason I got more kernels. Well played big sis! Your kids are watching, and this is a wonderful way to help them learn a different view from the world’s. It’s not something that has to be on TikTok or YouTube but a moment that is within the family. They might never say how much they appreciate you taking time to hit the pause button to get the whole family to share how they are thankful but don’t think it won’t make an impact. Often times more is caught that taught by doing the action. Heck, here I am at 45 years old writing a blog about something my Mom started probably thirty-five years ago.


Things I Am Grateful For This Year:

  1. Health
  2. Family
  3. Work
  4. Home
  5. Friends
  6. Support
  7. Freedom
  8. Forgiveness
  9. Recovery
  10. Growth


I wish you and your family a very blessed Thanksgiving!




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