How have you entered the new year?
Did you create new year resolutions?
Did you create new goals?
Did you pick a word for you to focus on in the new year?
All of these are things I have done to go after 2024.
Why do we think a new year will change our life?
I know one year is only separated by seconds, but it gives me HOPE that I have 365 days to work on improving. There is no way I am going to work on everything I want but it gives me a clean slate to try. As I write this my goal is to lose another 20lbs and I just ate three Oreo cookies. (SMH)
Why are goals so hard?
Because they aren’t supposed to be easy!
Goals push you and I out of our comfort zone. It also is really hard to stay committed and it is so easy to give up because it’s not easy.
I was talking with my thirteen-year-old son this weekend about a goal that he is trying to achieve. It’s really causing him a lot of frustration because the work is hard and the results are slow. He wants to hit his goals but the restrictions suck! I told him that I feel the same way when I try to go after a new goal. I think everyone does but those who hit their goals don’t give up.
It “feels” like we are climbing a mountain that is so high. There is no easy road or climb to the top. You wake up each day and have to climb more to get closer to the top. You might slip and fall which is heartbreaking in the moment. However, you don’t have to stay there. We all must keep trying so we know that a single moment of falling doesn’t stop us. Yes, it will suck to redo the climb but learn from your mistake(s) so you don’t repeat them.
I have realized that I am a light switch often in my business and personal life. What is a light switch? It’s when you turn on and burn bright for a moment. However, that light goes out and there is nothing happening. I hate to admit the truth but that is where growth can start. Admit the truth and know where you need to improve. If I can do it, you can do it! 😊
For 2024 I am going to work hard to have a consistent routine with waking up, going to bed, exercising, working on my business & personal goals. The only way this will happen is if I plan time for each one and stick to it. This is going to be so hard for me because I love the freedom of choice. I recently did a personality testing and I am known as a “monkey” who loves to swing from tree to tree.
Knowledge is power and anything can change if you are committed to the plan. I have seen this as I lost 45lbs because I was committed to my health loss plan. Truth be told, I am a little heavier after the holidays, but I am good with it…sort of. 😊 I am glad I ate the food that gave me pleasure but now I need to do the work to get back to being healthy. That means not eating everyday like it’s the holidays and I need to get back to working out.
Life is a gift and we have an opportunity each day to get a little better.
If you need help picking your word, here is the blog from 2023 where I explained how to pick your word of the year.
Book- Atomic Habits
Planner – Full Focus
Book – 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Be better than me,
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