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How to Follow, Rate & Review Podcasts in Apple Podcast App

"Make sure to follow us...and don't forget to rate and review our show". Here's how. 1. Click into the podcast app or on the show you're currently listening to 2. Find plus sign in the upper right-hand corner, click it 2a. Now you're following and the show, every new episode will be in your feed automatically 3. Scroll down while in the show to see all e...

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The Imposter Syndrome

The imposter syndrome lies to you. It feeds on your insecurities, reminds you of your failures, and screams loudest when the opportunity is greatest. Don't listen. It's a bunch of crap.

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Leadership Scars Are Worth It

My Dad looked like Thor swinging Mjolnir (hammer of Thor). As a twelve-year-old middle schooler, I thought “Heck, if my Dad can do it. I can do it!”

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It Is Not Your Fault, But It Is Your Problem

It Is Not Your Fault…. But It Is Your Problem What does it mean and how does it impact people when problems occur? Read the blog as it breaks down the phrase while giving application.

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Motivation Through Music: 4 Playlists To Help You Dominate The Work Day

Some days you just need a boost. Here are three great mixes of music to get you fired up for the workday, that big presentation, clearing your inbox, and when you’re tapping into your inner CEO.

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Mentorship: How to be an Excellent Mentee, 16 Example Questions

I thought for sure being in a mentor/mentee relationship would have a bit more flash. But it’s not about showmanship. It’s about the simple, meaningful, purposeful, and lasting things.

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Best Self Morning Routine (Detailed Description)

If I wasn’t going bass fishing or meeting my brothers to bow hunt, I really didn’t see the point in getting up earlier than I needed to. Fast forward several years and few kids later, I'm now the

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Leveraging Laughter: 8 Ways Humor Creates a Better Workplace

“Laughter supports peak levels of performance by changing our perception of what stresses us and helps to relax us physically. It may even improve the immune

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8 Foundations for Building a Winning Culture

Taking ownership means being accountable to both managers and peers. Each team member has a specific purpose and

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How Routines Aid In Your Mental Health as a Leader

We all have habits. That’s not the problem. The problem is having the right habits and making it easier to do the right habits. And here’s the good news-to get started you

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